Stanley PAC SecureNET Extensions

In 2013 we established a close partnership with Stanley Security Products from Stockport England. This is the manufacturer of access control product »PAC SecureNet«.

PAC SecureNet is sold worldwide and used thousands of times in small and large installations. Within this cooperation, the software »PACPROXY« originated. This is the connecting component between the PAC SecureNet environment and the metaSEC »MZF«. We opened both worlds the full range of relevant benefits and features.

A positive side effect the metaSEC team advanced in the course of development to a worldwide unique »think tank« for project-related Customizing outside the standard software. Currently four products are available which can be installed as an extension to the standard:

The big highlight: all communications between MZF and SecureNet are initiated via the OEM interface. This ensures, that the solutions are functionally reliable even in a future update of the core product!

metaSEC PacProxy extends the functionality of many IT-related aspects. If you have questions or current requirements, you are welcome to contact us!

MZF / PAC SecureNET Integration

All components communicate via the respective standard way. Between PAC SecureNet and PACPROXY, the exchange of data takes place via the OEM interface. PACPROXY acts as a proxy towards the MZF. The communication is done via an SSL secured connection. Big advantage: PACPROXY can run on the SecureNet servers, but also be decoupled if necessary – for example: in a DMZ. Authorized applications can manage and control the SecureNet via the MZF.