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Process management for authorities and public institutions

Service & safety for visitors

Logo_JamesVisitor receptions in public authorities are characterized by multilingualism and internationality. Every day, visitors and customers from a wide variety of countries encounter problems and hurdles in communicating with in-house staff or the employee at the gate/reception. To overcome these hurdles and ensure smooth communication, it is worthwhile to use our multilingual self check-in kiosks and, of course, JAMES as a holistic visitor management solution.

In addition to streamlining reception processes, be it through self check-in or visitor pre-registration via APP, the main focus is on seamless processes and the effective use of existing data. The integrated ROGER alarm server, for example, accesses visitor data and can enable targeted alarming or evacuation. The likewise integrated collection point solution rounds off the process. Thus, with JAMES, you get a broadband software solution that enables the most holistic process management possible.

The most important features for regulatory process management

Seamless processes, multilingual communication, and maximum autonomy in the visit process are the key features that JAMES offers as process management in the government environment. More important features can be found here:

Digital visitor management to streamline processes, avoid waiting times and increase service quality


Online platform for customers / visitors to register independently, manage appointments and upload documents in advance

Web app for pre-registration via mobile devices. Visitors can log in from anywhere and from any device.

Multilingual software for smooth communication with foreign language visitors

DSGVO compliant recording of employees and visitors to meet legal requirements

Digital signage for orientation and evacuation as well as info screen e.g. for bulletin board, canteen plan and welcome screen, etc.

Evacuation and assembly points with self check-in as well as control center dashboards, info panels and emergency conferences

Alarming of visitors and employees by connection to our alarm server ROGER

Feedback terminal e.g. for the evaluation of employee and customer satisfaction

Enhancing the service experience for customers and employees

Monitoring Covid 19 – Access rules by scanning vaccination and testing statuses at check-in at the kiosk system or via controllers built into the access control system.

Safety-related process management incorporating hygiene requirements and general safety standards

Alarm and evacuation

Attacks on employees in public offices and authorities have been on the rise for years. Threats range from savage verbal abuse, to being spat at, to having objects thrown at them, to physical assaults. And the risk of violence and rampages is also growing at schools.

In order to better protect employees as well as visitors, teachers and students, there are a variety of technical solutions. Especially our alarm server software ROGER offers security relevant functions like e.g. hidden buttons, broadband alarms as well as safe evacuation with the help of digital signage up to an active assembly point.

Overview of the most important functions:


Our software systems are strongly interlocked and thus offer various advantages. For example, our alarm server ROGER, which reliably alarms employees, visitors and external companies on your premises in connection with our visitor management and the respective access control. The reason for the alarm can be manifold. Various alarm options are available for every alarm case – be it fire alarm or bomb threats as well as in case of assaults, amok or terror alarm.

Multi Chanel alert

In times of advanced mobilization, ROGER reaches employees and customers alike via mobile devices – and in real time.

In the case of an alert, this means multi-channel alerting via all available channels. In the age of smartphones, these include announcements by phone call, SMS, WhatsApp, Twitter messages or so-called push messages, which can be routed directly to the smartphone via existing in-house apps. In addition, of course, the classic types of alerting such as alerting via telephone or announcements and signals are also supported.

Press 2 R - The everywhere alarm button

As an extension to our alarm server, we offer the “press2R” alarm button. A small wireless IoT functional unit full of innovation. The main motivation behind the “press 2 R” concept was the difficulty to connect hidden buttons, buzzers or other triggers wired whether due to construction or cost reasons. Locally, the system only needs power. The connection to the outside world is either via the local WLAN or GSM.

“press 2 R” is designed for highest industrial demands. Not only the unit as such is permanently monitored. The triggering button is also tested cyclically via remote triggering. This monitoring process is an essential part of the product. Thus, the availability is guaranteed to a high degree.

Integration and connection of subsystems

A connection of ROGER to 3rd party systems is of course possible. We support various hardware systems – from telephone systems to access control and cameras from various manufacturers. Basically, everything that has an interface can be connected.

Due to its modular structure, ROGER can be used as an integrated solution or as a supplement to existing solutions. The integration of your existing infrastructure (cameras, smoke detectors, digital signage) enables comprehensive alarming and evacuation and saves costs.

Control center and emergency conferences

Of course, ROGER can be connected to the control stations of the fire department, police or a security service in order to mobilize emergency forces as quickly as possible in case of need. The relevant data is transmitted in real time. When the alarm is triggered via the telephone system or smartphone, the control center also has the option of listening into the room.

Likewise, emergency conferences are part of the standard repertoire of our alerting software. These enable the responsible crisis managers and security officers to coordinate and initiate emergency management measures in the shortest possible time.

Evaluation and reporting

The alarm server provides a full-fledged evaluation and analysis module. Furthermore, you receive consolidated overviews of the tactical dashboards with an evaluation of the parameters: When? Who? How long until the first acknowledgement? By which route?

Furthermore, ROGER offers a tactical panel for real-time visualization. In the event of an evacuation, you can see exactly which people have already been evacuated and which are still in the building.


Guidance systems

Thanks to MIDAS, our software for mobile information distribution, most screens (even those already attached) can be converted into an active guidance system. This is not only beneficial for the orientation of your visitors, in case of alarm and evacuation it can literally save lives. In the event of an evacuation, for example, the individual screens can be equipped with pictograms to indicate escape routes and guide people to the assembly point by the quickest route.


Quick and comprehensive evacuation of employees, contractors and visitors can sometimes be difficult. To counteract this, our systems are networked with each other (integrated solutions). This means that information about the number and location of visitors and outside companies on your premises can be transmitted directly to MIDAS by JAMES. In this way, you can ensure that people from outside the company can also be notified and evacuated in the event of an alarm. In addition, our assembly point solutions and our control system provide you with further options for evacuation.


An application is possible in the following areas, for example:

  • Social welfare offices
  • Youth welfare offices
  • Schools
  • Social, district and regional courts
  • Migration and integration agencies
  • Refugee shelters
  • Citizens’ Advice Bureaus
  • Job centers
  • Women’s shelters
  • Tax offices
  • Vehicle registration offices